導航:首頁 > 考試分析 > 小學英語課堂的研究英文版


發布時間:2021-03-16 20:57:36

1. 我在寫一篇有關小學英語課堂教學的結課策略研究的文章,外文文獻一直找不到,誰能幫幫忙啊,50分送上了


2. 小學英語新課程標准英文版

I do not understand why people confuse my Siamese cat, Prissy, with the one I had several years ago, Henry. The two cats are only alike in breed. Prissy, a quiet, feminine feline, loves me dearly but not possessively. She likes to keep her distance from people, exert her independence and is never so rude as to beg, lick, or sniff unceremoniously. Her usual posture is sitting upright, eyes closed, perfectly still. Prissy is a very proper cat. Henry, on the other hand, loved me dearly but possessively. He was my shadow from morning till night. He expected me to constantly entertain him. Henry never cared who saw him do anything, whether it was decorous or not, and he usually offended my friends in some way. The cat made himself quite comfortable, on the top of the television, across stranger's feet or laps, in beds, drawers, sacks, closets, or nooks. The difference between them is imperceptible to strangers.

3. 「小學英語課堂師生互動研究」英文翻譯

research about teacher-students alternation on elementary school English class

4. 急求小學英語教學論文(英文版3500字左右)


5. 國外如何激發小學英語課堂興趣的文獻研究


6. 小學英語課堂管理策略的探討,怎麼把這個翻成英文


7. 急求小學英語教學設計範文或模式,要英文版的。

English lesson plan

8. 小學英語課堂管理策略的探討,怎麼把這個翻成英文啊

As the uppermost teaching way in the school nowaday, classroom teaching make school teachers have to deal with classroom management. In order to realizing efficient teaching and learning, keeping the classroom in good order is very important. While, it appears that classroom inappropriate actions are widely exist in English classes of elementary schools. The author will take the aspect of actuality of elementary schools' English classes, and also the inappropriate actions. The author will analyse the investigation, using psychics, management methods and demotics, giving a pretty complete management strategy of elementary schools' English classes.

9. 關於小學英語口語教學的文獻綜述英文版




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