導航:首頁 > 考試分析 > 小學英語三上單元測試卷答案六年級上冊答案


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⑴ 六年級上冊英語專項測試卷三答案人教版

( ) 1 He』s in New York____ his cousin, Simon.
A at B with C for
( ) 2 Tell me more ____the Great Wall. A about B How long C in
( ) 3 ____is it ? It』s about six thousand kilometres.
A How B How long C How about
( ) 4 ____is Beijing? A How long B How big C How many
( ) 5 Daming is ____America. A visiting B visit C visited
( ) 6 It』s a ____of the Great Wall.
A pictures B picture C photos
( ) 7 It』s ____eight million people. A get B got C gets
( ) 8 It』s a lovely cat. Please look ____it. A at B out C in
( ) 9 Here are two ____the Great Wall.
A pictures B picture C pictures of
( ) 10 Please tell me more things ____Shanghai. A in B about C on
( ) 11 Beijing____got eight million people.
A is B us C has
( ) 12 Fourteen____. A millions B milliones C million
1.It』s about two thousands seven hundred kilometres._______________
2.Tell me more about the Great wall._______________________
3.It is a orange._____________________________________
4 How』s long is the Great Wall ?______________________
5 Look this picture._____________________________________
6 Now you tell me anything about Beijing._____________________
7 Beijing is got about fourteen million people._________________________
8 This postcards are great.__________________________
三、用所給詞的適當形式填空(每題2 分,共10分)
1 Beijing has _____(get) about fourteen million people.
2 How long _____(be) the Great Wall ?
3 It』s about six hundred ________(kilometre) ?
4 It』s _____(a ) animal.
5 Tell me ________(many) about the Great Wall.
四、連詞成句(每題5 分,共20分)
1 fourteen Beijing』s about got peoole million
2 great these are postcards
3 he a is policeman
4 in with friends she』s Beijing her

1 This picture is great.(變為復數句)______________ _________________ _______________ great.
2 The snake is two metres long.(對劃線部分提問) ________________ _________________ is the snake ?
3 My father is in New York with his cousin. (對劃線部分提問)__________ _________ in New York with his cousin ?
4 It』s got about eight million people.(變為否定句)It _________ ___________ about eight million people.
Simon is a good boy . Today is Sunday and it is fine, so Simon』s father takes him to visit the Great Wall. The Great Wall is far away from his home. So they are going there by bus . The Great Wall is about six thousand seven hundred kilometres. It』s very long and great. Simon is very happy and his father is happy , too .
( ) 1 Simon is a good girl.
( ) 2 Simon』s father takes him to visit the zoo.
( ) 3 The Great Wall is far away from his home.
( ) 4 Today is Saturday.
( ) 5 Simon is very happy, but his father is not happy.
六年級上冊Mole 1 Unit 2 同步練習
一、 單項選擇(每題2分,共12 分)
( ) 1 New York is ____ the east of America. A in B on C to
( ) 2 There are ____of things to see. A a lot B lots C lot
( ) 3 ____ a big cake it is ! A How B What C Where
( ) 4 Where is _____? A the Mexico B Mexico C the Canada
( ) 5 __ Beijing ___Lhsa, it』s such a big country.
A To, to B From , from C From , to
( ) 6 He has got _____ apple. A such a big B such an big C such big an
二、 英漢互譯(每題4分,共24分)
1 一張中國地圖_____________________________________
2 長城__________________3 五千三百千米____________________
4 in the east_______________ 5 ten million__________________
6 lots of = ______________________
1 New York is in the _________of America.
2 The America flag』s got __________stars.
3 What _____ I ?
4 Tell me more _________China . Where is Qing?
5 ___________ New York to Tennessee , it』s such a big country.
1 How long is it ? A It』s in the east of America.
2 How big is Beijing ? B Beijing』s got about fourteen million people.
3 Are you a teacher ? C It』s in the northeast of China.
4 Where』s Harbin? D Yes, I am .
5 Where』s New York ? E It』s about two thousand kilometres.
五、選詞填空(每空2 分,共20分)
things more map night white
1 What a big ____________of America !
2 Tell me ______________about the Great Wall .
3 There are lots of ______________to see.
4 The American flag is red and blue and ___________________.
5 You can always see it , every day and __________________.
lots in of million more
A: Where』s Beijing ?
B: It』s _________ the east of China.
A: Tell me _________about Beijing.
B: Beijing has got about fourteen __________people. It』s the capital ______China. And there are ______of beautiful things to see.
1 Tell me more about your country.(變為否定句)
________tell me _________ about your country.
2 Are you a teacher?(做否定回答)No, I __________ _____________.
3 It』s six thousand seven hundred kilometres long.(對劃線部分提問)______________ ____________is it ?
4 New York is in the east of America.(對劃線部分提問)
_____________ _____________ New York ?
七、閱讀理解,選擇正確答案(每空2 分,共8分)
Lucy is my friend. She lives in a small house near a park in Canada. I am ten, Lucy is ten , too. Lucy tell me more about Canada. I know Canada is such a big country. So I want to learn English. And I tell Lucy more about China. Lucy likes China and she wants to learn Chinese . We usually write emails to each other on Saturdays and Sundays.
( ) 1 How old is Lucy ? A Ten B Eleven C Twelve
( ) 2 Does Lucy like China ?
A Yes, she does . B Yes, I do . C No, she doesn』t.
( ) 3 What do they write on Saturdays and Sundays ?
A Letters B Emails C Homework
( ) 4 Is Canada a big country ?
A Yes , they are . B Yes, it is . C No, it isn』t.
六年級上冊Mole 1測試卷
1 參觀,遊玩___________2 美國_____________
3 表(堂)兄弟___________4 明信片____________
5 更多_________6 千____________7 百___________
8 公里_____________9 某事/物___________10 百萬__________
1 看_________2 一幅...的圖片___________3 長城__________
4 多給我講講_______________5 多長_____________
6 多大_____________7 有______________
( ) 1 Daming is __ America . A visit B visiting C visits D visited
( ) 2 He is ____New York ____his cousin , Simon .
A on with B on and C in with D in and
( ) 3 These postcards _____great . A be B am C is D are
( ) 4 And ________ this one . A look B looks C look at D looks at
( ) 5 Tell me more ____the Great Wall . A of B on C in D about
1 it』s the Wall a of Great picture
2 it』s people got million eight
3 it』s kilometres about thousand seven six hundred
4 it how long is
5 now you about me tell something New York ____________________________________________________________
五、用be (am / is / are )動詞填空(10分)
1 I __________an English teacher .
2 Li Ming and Dale __________ good friends .
3 We __________ in Class 1 , Grade 6 .
4 She __________ a beautiful girl .
5 Linda ____________ in a red dress .
( ) 1 Is the Great Wall short ? A Yes, it is . B No, it isn』t. C You are right.
( ) 2 How long is it ?
A It』s about six thousand seven hundred kilometres.
B It』s about seven thousand six hundred kilometres.
C It』s about sixty-seven thousand kilometres.
( ) 3 Is Beijing a big city ? A Yes , it is . B No, it isn』t. C Not at all.
( ) 4 How big is Beijing ?
A It』s got about eight million people.
B It』s got about fifteen million people.
C It』s got about fourteen million people.
( ) 5 Are these postcards great ?
A Yes , they are . B No, they aren』t. C Yes, they do .
1 It』s a pictures of the Great Wall. ____________
2 Tell me morething about New York.__________________
3 These postcard are great.________________
4 I』m going to met you in New York.______________________
5 What are you go to do there ?___________________

Mole 1 Unit 1 同步練習:一、BABBA BBACBCC 二、1、thousands→thousand 2.wall→Wall 3.a→an 4.How`s→How 5.Look→Look at 6.anything→something 7.is→has 8.This→These 三、1、got 2.is 3.kilometres 4.an 5.were 四、1.Beijing `s got about fourteen million people. 2.These pictures are great. 3.Is he a policeman? 4.She`s in Beijing with her friends. 五、1.These pictures are 2. How long 3.Who is 4.hasn`t got
Mole 1 Unit 2 同步練習:一、ABBBCA 二、1.a map of China 2.the Great Wall 3.five thousand three hundred kilometres 4.在東部 5.一千萬 6.許多。 三、1.east 2.fifty 3.am 4.about 5.From 四、1E,..2B ,3.D 4.C, 5A
五、1. map 2.morn 3.things 4.white 5.night ; in, morn, million, of, lots 六、1.Don`t, morn 2.am, not 3.How, long 4.Where, is 七、AABB

Mole 1 測試卷
一、visit ,America, cousin, postcard, morn,thousand,hundred,kilometre,something,ten million,
二、1.look at 2.a picture of... 3.the Great Wall 4.tell me more about.... 5.how long, 6.how big 7.have got 8.lots of =a lot of=many=much
三、BCDCD 四、1.It`s a picture of the Great Wall. 2.It`s got eight million people. 3.It`s about six thousand seven hundred kilometres. 4.How long is it? 5.Now you tell me something about New York. 五、1am 2.are 3.are 4.is 5.is 六、BAACA 七、1.pictures---picture 2.morething---something 3.postcard----postcards 4.met---meet 5.go---going



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