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发布时间:2021-03-14 20:02:58

『壹』 小学三年级英语,看图,写短语

(1)an English book
(2)a little girl
(3)on the chair
(4)in the schoolbag
(5)at the zoo

『贰』 看图写话(英语)

Today is dragon boat festival. (主系表),We celebrate the festival by eating some kind of special food and having the dragon boat race. (主谓宾+状),There are many people are taking part in the race. (there be) You can see it in the picture.

『叁』 看图写话(英语)

Today is Tuesday ,
our English teacher teached our a new lesson and all of us listened so carefully and we learned a lot .l feel so happy.

『肆』 小学生三年级看图写话范文

一个阳光明媚的下午,一群男孩子们高高兴兴地走到这片空地,把书包和帽子一丢,堆成两堆,便成了简易的球门。激烈的球赛开始了。 那位头发金黄的守门员,脸因紧张和高兴涨成了红色,虽然昨天膝盖被擦破了,但他毫不在意。只见他把双手放在膝盖上,半蹲着身子,聚精会神地盯着足球,跃跃欲试。 站在他身后的小男孩,穿着红色的运动服,挺着肚子,有些不服气,昨天大哥哥的腿摔破时,还是他踢走了一球,取得胜利呢。他想到这,有些洋洋得意。 过往的行人都被这场紧张的球赛吸引了。纷纷停下脚,坐在长凳上,也不知是谁家的小狗,它可对足球不感兴趣,它只对主人供它玩的小皮球感兴趣呢。现在正无所事事地在草地上打呼噜。 你瞧,那个带着弟弟的小男孩,目光紧紧的琐在黄队,坐这一动不动,生怕黄队输了。 和守门员一样有着金黄色头发的小男孩,伸长了脖子,口中轻声喃喃自语:“加油!踢!好!”站在他身后的,头上系着深红色蝴蝶节的小女孩儿,索性站起来,只见她双手叉腰,眉头紧皱,好像有什么不顺心。 戴红色帽子的小女孩,弯着腰,伸头向右望去,她涨红了脸,虽说她没有上“战场”但她的心跳自己清清楚楚能听见。 一位抱着洋娃娃的女孩,一直微笑着,眼睛却繁忙了,一直盯着球,看球究竟在哪队里。那个穿着绿衣服的小男孩,也许是第一次看见这种场面吧。他的小手在计算胜负,一边轻轻摇手,

『伍』 小学三年级英语关于怪物的看图写话

Yesterday I watched a movie named with my brother .It is so funny. It is about a ogre.He is upset because he cannot be acceptted by other men because of his awful look.One day he gets a mission to rescue a princess so that the King gives back his mire.He,along with a talking donkey,goes through fire and water and finally reaches the tower where the princess is kept.He fights against the dragon that guards the princess.At last he rescues the princess.After that ,he gives her his first kiss. This movie tells us,when we are not acceptted by others,at least,we should try to let them know us and don't say die.

『陆』 看图写话,小学三年级的英语,大概一分钟的时间


『柒』 英语看图写话

1. I was washing clothes at seven yesterday.

『捌』 看图写话,小学三年级的英语

There is a man on the sofa. He is reading a book. he is wearing a glasses.
He is in a bule trouses.

『玖』 看图写话,小学三年级的英语大概一分钟时间的话

there are two person in the picture.
One man is riding a bicycle.and the other one isn't ,he is smiling.
the ground is green.
two person in the picture are wearing short T-shirt,
Ono man is riding a red bicycle and the other one's bicycle is purple bicycle

『拾』 三年级的看图写话




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